Private Tutoring
Loss of learning time during the pandemic means more students than ever can benefit from the personalized attention of our private Flexible Tutoring. We’ve designed our highly tailored program to meet PK-12 students where they’re at, with plenty of subject-matter experts to help them bridge learning gaps. Online tutoring and Face-to-Face tutoring (some markets) is possible in all content areas, with individual and small-group tutoring available before, during, or after school and on weekends.
Support your children’s success, starting today
Enter our tutor-educators. All tutors are educators who understand classroom standards, are able to quickly assess student needs, and provide engaging, compassionate support.
Not your typical tutoring service
Whether students need remediation, intervention, enrichment, or homework help, the power to personalize the tutoring program and help catch students up on essential, grade-level standards is in your hands.
Flexible private tutoring for schools
Our Director of Tutoring Services will work with you and your school to create a tutoring plan and make recommendations for coordinating private tutoring for families through your institution.
Private tutoring for families
You can arrange tutoring for your child through school (in-person or virtual) or private tutoring that takes place at home (always virtual in order to keep everyone safe).